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The Oxford TCC

We have designed The Oxford Tutorial College Certificate (The Oxford TCC) to give English learners access to a certified qualification of achievement and participation in the English language, for them to discover their abilities in a second language.

The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is the guideline we use to assess the achievements of English language learners, as it is an internationally recognised standard.

Estudiantes en el aula
The Oxford TCC Kids

It is a comprehensive assessment tool designed to evaluate and measure the language competence of children aged 7 to 12 according to the CEFR standards.

Its goal is to provide a reliable and standardized way to assess and recognize the English language skills of young students, helping them track their progress and providing valuable feedback to parents, teachers, and the students themselves.

Oxford Education is committed to solving the critical problem of accurately assessing and recognizing the English language competence of children aged 8 to 12. Through our innovative English Language Certification for Children, we offer a comprehensive and standardized assessment aligned with the international CEFR language competence standards, covering levels PRE A1 to A2. 

Our certification program addresses the challenges educators face in tracking language development, setting appropriate learning goals, and tailoring instruction to the specific needs of young learners. By providing a reliable measure of competence and feedback, we empower children to showcase their language skills and provide a solid foundation for their future language learning while ensuring credibility, accuracy, and guidance on the advancement process for parents and educators. 

Through a tailored, intuitive, and playful solution for children of these ages, we can objectively assess language proficiency.


European Certification for Digital Teaching is the first certificate focused on digital education created and endorsed by Oxford Education. The certificate was specifically created for professionals in education to have a greater knowledge of their school environment and their students to create pedagogically effective digital solutions. We base virtual learning on the use of technology and innovation with digital tools. 

Take the edition you are most interested in: 

  • ECDT 1.0 Digital Teaching

  • ECDT 2.0 Gamification

  • ECDT 3.0 Blended learning

  • ECDT 4.0 Socio-emotional abilities

  • ECDT 5.0 Active Learning and Active Methodologies


Secure your future with the help of our academic experts.

The official online language academy of Oxford Education.

College Library

It’s an international competition and immersive, interactive multicultural programme that aims to develop the STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics), using different focused STEAM and video game coding workshops.

The objective of the program is to foster problem-solving skills, through promoting the development of observation and analysis skills to give an assertive opinion using appropriate argumentation tools, as well as encouraging creativity, lateral thinking and innovation for decision making. These are all competencies related to a STEAM methodology. Likewise, participants will learn the basics of what Artificial Intelligence (AI) is and the benefits and challenges that this scientific advance represents.

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STEAM Streks London
Image by Darya Tryfanava

This test preparation course, developed by the experts who create, administer, and score The Oxford TCC exams, will help English Language learners improve their skills and become familiar with the exam format.


The course is designed to prepare you to take The Oxford TCC exams with confidence. You will be taken through each one of the sections of the exam as well as its format and question types.

The Oxford TCC Prep Course
Image by Lucas George Wendt

GEAR Kids Oxford GEAR Kids is an interactive platform for students aged 7 to 13 that teaches, reinforces, and integrates English through exercises with gamification elements and content aligned with the CEFR. Students progress in a fun and effective way through "Quests" or work units that cover levels from PRE A1 to B1.

Additionally, GEAR Kids raises student awareness about sustainability and inclusion, aligning with UNESCO's Sustainable Development Goals and the New Mexican School. With unit-based assessments and adaptable content, it offers measurable and flexible learning, as well as the opportunity to delve deeper through PBL (Project-Based Learning).

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Image by Robert Bye
English Teaching Certification (ETC)

The English Teaching Methodologies Certification (ETC) is aimed for English as a foreign language teacher or in-training teachers who want to certify their teaching qualification.


The certification assesses three expertise areas

  1. Basis for English as a Foreign Language Teacher: Use of English language and grammar

  2. Teaching planning, methodologies, classroom management and assessment

  3. Cutting-edge and continuous improvement

Gran Ben
Oxford ED Global Talent Olympics

It is the 100% online English language Competitions Program by Oxford Education. It offers training courses focused on improving oral skills and public speaking for students between 8 and 17 years old.

At OxfordED, students from over 20 countries worldwide compete, promoting globalization in a digital environment, fostering immersive and multicultural learning, and encouraging global thinking. The winning school will be crowned the champion, but what's the prize? A trip to London for 10 days, 9 nights, and more!

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Aula vacía
GEAR Young Adults

Oxford GEAR Young Adults is an interactive platform designed for students aged 14 and up, including adults. It aims to develop English language skills through a practical approach with exercises based on the CEFR and the communicative approach. With a minimalist design and the added benefit of PBL (Project-Based Learning), students apply English in activities that promote autonomous learning and critical thinking, progressing from PreA1 to C1 levels.

Additionally, it incorporates content that adapts to each user's needs. It offers comprehensive progress tracking with tools like quizzes, automatic reports, and a continuous assessment system, making it easy to personalize learning in any educational setting.

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